Step 1 of 4 - Enter payment details

As some clubs/entities may not participate in the Payment Gateway, you can only pay the entities available in the selection box below. If the name does not appear when you type in your required club/entity, you must contact them for alternative payment options. Please ensure you are paying the club/entity that is charging the fee or has invoiced you. Please do not pay Surf Life Saving Australia unless you have been invoiced by SLSA - membership payments must be paid to the relevant club.

Select the entity to pay:
Transaction TypeSelect the overall transaction type you wish to pay for. The dropdown menu will list some general types for you to select which are based upon the Surfguard transaction types.
Complete name / Meaningful payment detailsEnter the name of the person for whom the payment is for (not the person neccessarily paying) and a description of the payment. An example would be Joe Bloggs member subs for season 2008/9 or Joanna Bloggs Bronze course fee. Please break down the payment into each individual item being payed for on a seperate line. Each entity will use this information to enter the details into their own financial system so it is important that you itemise and descibe each item being paid for.
GST Inc. ($
Enter the total amount for each item being paid for inclusive of GST if applicable. The amount to be paid for an item is to be provided by your Club / each entity from its own pricelist. Contact your own Club or entity if you are unsure of the payment amount.
Total:   $ 
Payer's Name:Your contact details:Email for Receipt (Optional):

We accept both Visa and Mastercard